Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The irony kills me

Blog-Word! for shraavya


You're an individual - nobody was found with the same word as you!

Haiku2 for shraavya

it would be that's
the problem with feelings the
body's reactions are

Monday, October 23, 2006


In a fit of narcissism, I googled my name to see what would show up. The first page was my blog! Yahoo! There weren't too many people with the same name as me around. I hope that the reason that the name is not popular has nothing to do with me.
Aside: At this point, most of those who know me and others who may have stumbled here by mistake, would be wondering why I thought it was a 'fit of narcissism'. Really, who am I kidding? The only reason that I'm not wasting away in front of my reflection is that I can be easily distracted by bright lights.
the others who shared my name were a one year old baby and a young lady who seems quite different than me. For example, she doesn't mind being asked questions about whether she prefers to laugh or to cry. My response to such questions would be a derogatory laughter and possible speculation about the questioners ancestry. Apart from the obligatory meanings of names databases, everything else pertained to me. To ME! Yay!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I'm sure there's a point in this somewhere

I feel like I should have more to say on my very neglected blog. Waxing eloquent on things that are in the grand scheme of things not that important has always been far too easy, again to the chagrin of the people around me. However, on things that "matter", like life, love and the universe, I find that I can never be more than laconic. Worse I use cliches. The horror...
but the thing is that for whatever reason, anything that is of any import bubbles up to the surface in fragmented sentences, usually at inopportune times. To lend voice to thought will be, and has been, more bother than it is worth. It seems a bit silly to drop in lines of an emotional crisis or some such thing without any context or any hope for a future discussion which I know that I couldn't sustain. Not that I am going through an emotional crisis I hasten to add.