Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's alive! It's alive!

New Year’s resolutions seem to be doomed from the beginning. The framing of the list on the spur of the moment that you would have to adhere to for the rest of the year and suffer from guilt at abandoning it in February seemed too narrow. So this year I decided to start early with the planning process. I began thinking about the think things that I wanted to accomplish sometime during the course of the year around Christmas and came up with a few things that I think ought to be realistic targets to set for myself. This is the list.
1. Go swimming everyday.
2. Practice writing Urdu on the bus.
3. Re-acquaint my self with French and Telugu.
4. Update my blog at least once in two days.
5. Read the newspaper everyday, despite the preponderance of non-news stories like Saif Ali Khan dating Kareena Kapoor.
6. Learn more about photography.
7. Mail in my PhD applications by November.
8. Finish “My name is Red” and “Snow” by Orhan Pamuk (it’s been 5 years and 3 years respectively since I started these books).
9. Be more social and stop avoiding messages.
10. Be more prompt in replying to e-mails and texts.
11. Pay my cell phone bills and pick up the dry cleaning on time.
12. Paint my room.
It’s been two weeks since the new year started and how many of these have I begun? Well, I’ve posted on my blog…


Laasya Bhagavatula said...

paint my room??? my??? paint??? oh no.

Cheerfully cynical said...

shut up ok! i was going to use the colour scheme that we had agreed upn anyway. so what do you think the estimate will be? and the front room needs to be re done as well


I’m all for ambitious New Years resolutions, but: “Go swimming every day”? You do realise that swimming involves activity? (As in physical exertion; as in work; as in get my lazy brown arse out of bed and do something!) I would recommend a much more realistic resolution, like: “make up for many lost opportunities by using every chance I get to tell Avery what a wonderful person he is!” Remember my old oft repeated slogan from Tousey House: appreciate me now and avoid the rush later.

Cheerfully cynical said...

Avery, please ok? I work out. I've been known to move from place A to place B under my own steam. So ha!